A few days ago Alli and Hannah were reading to their dolls while sitting on the couch. They were each reading a different book, but at the same time. I heard Hannah say, "Alli, quit saying that!" a few times, then she became frustrated and said it one more time like she meant it. I stopped working on supper and listened to Alli. She was saying (in a deep, strong voice), "THE POWER OF GOD...THE POWER OF GOD...THE POWER OF GOD..." I laughed, but Hannah said, "But Mom, it's not funny, she keeps saying it over and over and over."
Yesterday we went up to the playgrounds at camp to play. I was playing with Alli and Carrie on the playgrounds while Hannah was in the playhouse/sandbox. She came running over to me saying, "MOM! You've got to see this! There's an ANGEL in the playhouse--a REAL ANGEL!" To buy a little time I asked what this angel said to her. She hugged me, looked up and smiled and said, "He said I was good!" Then I went to the playhouse to see, thinking it was an imaginary friend. We both had a good laugh when she said, "See, Mom, it's a real angel!" while pointing to the snow angel she made out of the sand!
Today while Hannah was at preschool, I took Alli and Carrie to Wal-Mart for groceries. We got two bags of powdered sugar and Alli pretended one of them was her baby. She rocked it, sang to it, patted it, etc. She was having fun, mostly thinking she was being silly. Carrie, who LOVES her baby and blankie saw what Alli was doing and thought her sister had taken her beloved baby. She looked at me funny when I gave her a bag of powdered sugar to hold for a baby. But she did anyway, and wrapped it up in her blankie.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Bunk Beds

We stacked Hannah and Alli's beds today, so they are "real" bunk beds. They were very excited about it, and it makes a lot more space in their room for playing (and messes!).
I'm in the yard near the camp office so I've got the chance to put several pictures on here. I don't have a lot of news, but since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll let them speak for me.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hannah started preschool today!!! She has been excited ever since we registered for it back in February. But in the past few weeks if we asked her if she was excited about preschool she would respond with, "I tired of everyone talking about it, just be quiet!" Monday they had an open house at her preschool (which is in two of the classrooms at the church), and she saw that most of the kids were in her Sunday school class, and they had some great dress-up clothes, so she got more excited about it. This morning she woke up to a boquet of sunflowers, a Cinderella card, and a red balloon that said, "Happy 1st day of School!" all provided by Grandpa and Grandma Humphrey. She was "frilled" (thrilled), and she read the card several times! We loaded up in the van and dropped her off at 8:30 at the church. Her teacher, Mrs. Caudill, comes out and opens the van door and helps each kid into the building. Hannah said they sang a song to welcome each kid into the class, they drew pictures, played outside, read a book, ate a snack, and did a weather chart. When anyone asks her if she liked her first day, she says, "Well, I was a little nervous at first, but then I found out that it's fun, and I like it now." While she was at school, Alli drew three cards for her and helped me bake a cake. We decorated for a "First Day of School" Party. We picked her up at 11:30, and she seemed tired, but happy.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Where does the time go?
I know it's been a while since I've updated this...sorry. And I don't remember what has happened in the past month, so let's just start with today. Mike took the day off and we went to the zoo today!!! We had a great time. I think the unanimous favorite was the oceans area with sea lions, penguins, polar bears, fish, and sharks you could pet! In the penguin area, they had a glass floor in the hallway between two aquariums, so you could watch the penguin swimming from one side to the other.

Hannah fed two giraffes in the Plains, and she and Alli petted an elephant after she had her bath in front of an audience. Right after the elephant, we decided to eat our lunch. I told the girls to use some hand sanitizer since they had just touched the elephant, and Hannah said, "But it just had a bath!"
After lunch, they played in the Splash Zone. It's a water huge water feature that has lots of cute water sprinklers, sprayers, dumpers, etc. They got drenched, but they had fun and got cooled off. Sometime during the day Carrie got knocked down accidentally by Hannah, she ended up with her fourth bloody lip and her first bloody nose! Then when we got home, the girls were playing on the porch swing, and Carrie got her second black eye from walking in front of the swing! They're pretty tired, so I'm sure we'll get them to sleep at a good time. Right now we're up at the playgrounds for a quiet evening.
Oh, yeah, and the other exciting news (most of you know) Carrie has a broken leg! She doesn't have a cast on it. She had been limping for a couple of weeks so a few days ago I took her to see the doctor. He had us go get x-rays and then come back to have him read it. He said it was a "green break" and it wasn't broken through. If we had come in at the first sign of limping she would have had a cast for two weeks, so she was at the point where she was beginning to heal up anyway and it wasn't crooked, so she's limping around! I'm sure it's a lot less misery than if we had a cast on it, and anyway she's getting better every day.
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