It's been sooo long since I've updated this blog. So, I'll let some of the pictures do the talking...
Somewhere around January 30th we got 11 inches of snow, then another 4 inches a couple days later. It was so deep the girls only made it this far out the back door before getting tired out. I guess if I were trying to walk in snow as deep as my chest, I'd get tired too. When it melted down a little, we made great snowladies and Hannah and Mike made a really cool tunnel.

Annual George Link visit: February 18th our friend George came to visit us on his way through from Kentuky to Illinois. Not sure if we're exactly on the way, but we are so grateful to get to spend time with a good friend! He brought back souveniers from Haiti (where he does lots of mission work) for all of us. A wooden carving of the map of Haiti for me and Mike, and beautiful stone neclaces for the girls. Hannah and Alli were able to give George the money they had been saving up "to feed the kids in Haiti."
Cousin's Sleepover I: Julie went to Chicago to get her visa for her trip to China, so we were happy to get Grace, Hope, and Joy overnight and the next day (February19-20)! As you can see, what sleepover is complete without some princesses, some fairies, and some pajama girls? We made puppets, mostly just because I ran out of paper for them to draw on! :) We had fun!
Alli's 4th Birthday!!!! When I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, she said, "A purple cake with yellow frosting in the shape of a butterfly...AND, pancakes with strawberries." She didn't even ask for any toys. So we took the girls to International House of Pancakes for lunch! She had fun making the cake with me, we used food coloring to make the inside purple. She got some cute books, a movie she loves, some screaming rocket balloons, and an aquarium with two frogs and a snail. She named them "Beauty, Celeste, and Charlie." (Update: one frog died after a few days, and the other wasn't lookin' so hot, so they went for a "swim" down the toilet. The snail is in a cup of water. We're going to plant a terrarrium in the aquarium. haha )
Look at this amazing tower Hannah built! It got knocked down and she rebuilt it just for this photo.
March is great kite-flying weather!
Carrie's 2nd birthday!! Since we celebrated Alli's just a few days before, it seemed like a week-long party! The girls and I made white cupcakes with pink frosting and sprinkles.
Cousin's Sleepover II: Julie went to China to visit her sister and her niece, so Hope and Joy stayed here for 3 days (March 16-19)! We did every fun thing we could think of--painting birdhouses, picnic, tie-dye, walks to the playground, etc. We had a blast!
...and that's all for now!!! Whew, sorry to you dial-up people!