Monday, January 7, 2008

Funny things

There's not much news here. We've been trying to get back into our routine. It's so nice to take a break from routines, but it's good to get back, too. Some funny things that have happened lately...

At the table, Hannah usually prays something like, "Thank you, God, for our food and for everything that's good..." Today Alli wanted to pray, and she said, "Thank you, God, for our food and for everything that's gross..."

When Hannah wants to say there is a lot of something she says something like, "Do you know how many stars there are? Like 62!" Or any number in the 60's. So today she said, "Mommy, do you know how much I love you? Like 65!!"

At lunch Hannah said, "Mommy, I think I know how to spell 'quiet' because last night in bed I wasn't very 'H-S-S-S-S-'" (She spelled the letters out.) What she mean, of course, was Shhhh!

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