Sunday, November 29, 2009

Here are some funny moments I've been trying to remember...I hate it when I forget some really good ones. And I know this list is missing some I've forgotten. Oh well...

Since about Halloween when Carrie prays she carefully closes her eyes, folds her hands, bows her head and says only this, "Dear God, yank you my can go to JU-EEE'S HOUSE!!!" Meaning, of course, "thank you I can go to Julie's house!" Then she quickly opens her eyes and asks when we can go to Julie's house. So we went there on Thanksgiving and most of the way there she was talking about how excited she was to go to Julie's house! How sweet!

Alli can be so completely absorbed in things at times that she almost doesn't notice anything else at all. One night after putting the girls to bed, Hannah and Alli called for Daddy to bring them a drink of water. So he brought each of them a cup of water. They both sat up and took their cups. Hannah drank hers while Alli just sat there holding hers. Then they both gave their cups back to him and he walked out of the room. No sooner had he sat down in the living room than we heard a wail from Alli for Daddy to come back. He asked her what was wrong, and she sobbed, "I forgot to drink my water!"

Another time we finished eating supper and had brownies and ice cream for dessert. The kids were excited about it since we don't do dessert often. They each told me how much brownie and ice cream they wanted and I gave them their bowls. Everyone ate up except Alli. I assumed she changed her mind, but left it there on the table until it all melted into mush...just in case. Sure enough, a couple hours later while we were getting ready for bed, she realized what she had done and wailed, "Oh no! I forgot to eat my brownie!"

Hannah and I got to go to one of her friends' birthday parties at the skating rink today! We loved it, and I was impressed with her ability! She didn't hold my hand much at all after the first couple rounds, but she still wanted me to be next to her. She was so excited when they turned the lights off and turned on the disco balls and fog machines. Ahhh the memories of my childhood all came back, they even played Michael Jackson's "Thriller." Alli was a tad bit jealous but handled it verrrry well! She said that when she gets to go roller skating she's planning on wearing a fluffy polka dotted tutu we have in the dress up box and then she demonstrated how she would roller skate--lots of twirling and gliding!

Hannah can read at a middle of the year first grade level, so we're trying to keep her interest in learning piqued with books from the library. She's most recently interested in history and how things are made. Her ability and also her boredom with kindergarten make me wonder about homeschooling sometimes. But then I think about all the kids from her Sunday school class that are in the same school district. I so hope that in a few years they will be a positive influence in their classes and a strong and active youth group at the church. Aaagh! I see so much good that can come from both homeshooling and public schooling. I just have to trust that each year we'll be shown what we need to do, and that Michael and I will be in agreement on it. And right now we think it's public school.

We put our Christmas tree up on the day after Thanksgiving--the earliest I've EVER gotten the decorations out. The girls loved pulling all the decorations out. "All" my decorations amount to one rubbermaid tub. I have a friend who just told me she has TEN tubs of Christmas decorations! I'm sure her house if festive, but I'm pretty happy wit my 20 minute setup/teardown. :)

Speaking of Thanksgiving, we went to Mark and Julie's again this year. They are so kind to invite us to celebrate with them. Julie's parents and sister from Joplin come, and her brother's family from near here come, too. And this year her sister brought along two friends from China who are going to college at MO state (I think). It was so much fun! Their family is precious, I just want to soak them all up while we're there. I could just sit in the same room with them all day, not say a word (shocker, huh!!!) and hope they rubbed off on me while I sat there. The girls had a blast playing with their cousins alllll day! Today at church someone asked Hannah if she had a nice Thanksgiving. She answered, "Yes! It was a very, very, very, VERY nice Thanksgiving!" They asked if she at lots of turkey, and she replied, "Ummm...I don't know." See what her memories were? She absolutely loved being with her cousins!

Ok, that's enough rambling for now. I'lll get some pics on here soon. :)

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