On Halloween our church had a Hallelujah party. It was a huge outreach to the community--there were over 500 people there with their families. We had "trunk-or-treat", Harvey Wadlow performed his illusionist act, and the Vince Lombardi trophy was on display. (That's the Super Bowl trophy that the Indianapolis Colts won last year.) Each family had their picture taken with it. Hannah's costume was a fairy ballerina, and Alli wore a Monarch butterfly outfit. I was Pocahantas with my papoose, and Mike wore a sign that said "John Smith." We had fun.
Yesterday we had small group at our house. We just started a new study, "Priorities" by Charles Hummell. There are six simple lessons so we're going to cram them into the last three Sundays that we meet before Christmas. We have 22 people signed up for our group, but only 14 showed up last night. That's really not such a "small" group.
Today we have played outside quite a bit. I feel like we need to soak up as many nice days as we can. Rich Green (who volunteers for Mike every Tuesday and Thursday, but often comes 3-4 times a week) ate lunch with us today since he was mowing for Mike.
Please be praying for the Steve and Angie Burkett. This afternoon Parker, their 3 yr old son, was taken to Riley Children's Hospital in Indy. He had a sever reaction (major swelling) to an antibiotic for strep throat. We heard from them this evening, and he's doing better, but they'll keep him 24 hours. Angie's mom is coming to stay with the other 3 kids.
1 comment:
Hi Meredith! I keep up with Rachel through her blog and she posted that you had one. I probably should start one. :) Your kids are so cute. And I love your sling. I had one for Samuel and loved it (especially when he was sick and clingy and wanted only Mommy). Take care. Natalie (Lovell) Young
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