When I have strange things the kids say, I don't know the best way to lead into it, so here's one thing: Whenever Hannah prays she says, "Dear God, please watch over the people in Haiti and Africa, and the people who Joy prayed for." Her cousin Joy prayed for the children in Cambodia once while we were visiting, and Hannah hasn't forgotten it--except where they were from.
Last week (or was it the week before?) when it was warmer I let the girls go out to splash in the puddles. I thought that would give me a chance to clean the house up a bit. It worked for about 10 minutes! Then Hannah came to the door saying Alli needed my help. I went outside to see what the problem was and Alli was stuck ankle deep in sticky mud! I went after her and got my shoes ankle deep in sticky mud, too. But we got out and came inside and cleaned up. Needless to say, the "cleaner house" wasn't anymore!

We have been playing with these silly balloons lately. We figured out how to make several animals with them. Hannah likes to play with the finished animals. Alli likes to twist them over and over fearlessly until they pop!