Lately Hannah has wanted to play "Queen Esther" ALL THE TIME. She dresses up in a fancy dress-up dress, walks regally, and asks if anyone knows a king that she could marry. Sometimes she's playing and I don't know it until she solomnly hands me a rolled up piece of paper as a scroll. Almost every time it says "QSD" which is how she spells Queen Es-Der. This week she has been adding the letters "RRRRR W M K." I thought she was writing that (Haman)Wants Me Killed. But luckily I asked her what it spelled first because she said, "It says, 'I Really Really Really Really Want to Marry a King."
Alli LOVES to help in the kitchen. Anytime I'm in the kitchen she runs to the bathroom, grabs the stool, and joins me. And she's really good help, too. She doesn't mind running things to the trash can, throwing things in the sink, or even just standing and watching. But often I have her shake the spices or stir or taste or spread things or set the table. She and Hannah really like it when I make yeast bread/rolls. (We've been making a lot lately.) They each get some dough and flour and make a big mess, but then who doesn't make a mess with that?
Carrie has been trying to say a few more words lately. She says "daaa" for Yeah when she gets something to work right. Mostly she immitates me still, but she does a good job of getting the important sounds right. Today she copied me saying "pretty." She can already pull up and walk around holding on to a table, chair, etc. She's starting to let go and stand briefly. Today she stood for about three seconds. She really wants to walk, and loves walking while holding on to my fingers. When she was just learning to push up on her arms she would rock back and forth, shifting her weight from one arm to the other. And when she learned to sit she would rock back and forth. Now that she's learning to stand/walk she gets so excited that she straightens out her legs and shifts her weight side to side!
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