Tuesday, April 29, 2008


A few things the kids have said lately have been too precious to forget, but then when they are finally in bed and I try to remember...I've forgotten. Tonight I came straight here to write it all down. This might be a little long because Hannah was the one talking. :) At bedtime tonight she said, "I'm gonna talk to God. 'God, I want to be an artist and paint and I really like to srite songs and play music. I want to be an artist and play songs for you. I want to be a preacher when I grow up.'" Then she said to me, "God can give me the words to say when I'm and adult and I tell others about Him. I want to be a preacher 'cause I know lots of Bible stories. I know all the Bible stories. I'm going to talk to God now, but I'm not going to pray because I'm not going to say dear God or Amen. 'God, I love you. You are so good and you can do anything we "axe" you to because you're so smart and strong and good. You're the only one that's good...and me. Please help Alli's cold and Carrie's cold to go away. And help Daddy to sleep a long time in the morning. amen.'" Then she said, "You know God is so strong and so big He's bigger than everything. In the morning I'm going to talk to Him some more. I'm going to axe him to help me not be bad to my sister. You know when you give away love, your heart gets bigger. It's like paying for something and they give you change back. When you give away love, you get more love and your heart gets bigger."

Yesterday at bedtime, Alli said something really quietly, but I didn't hear her. She repeated it really quietly two more times before we figured it out: "I saved the day." She said it so quietly! She mixes up the words to songs all the time. "Do you know the muffin man" becomes
"Oh do you know the muffin man,
the muffin man,
the muffin man
Oh do you know the muffin man,
so you can have some cake?"

Carrie has been saying lots of words lately. She can say "baby" and blankie (which sounds like "cakie")and she can repeat "I love you" one word at a time, but maybe I'm just anxious for it to sound like I love you 'cause it really sounds like "I fuff bbbb." Lately she's been taking all the canned food off the shelf and taking it all over the house. You can track that child pretty easily since she leaves a trail of things she gets tired of. She'll pick up something and seem really interested in it, but throw it down behind her as she's walking off to another room to find more adventures. She doesn't care about a room full of shiny toys, she'd rather dump a whole container of Q-tips on the floor, or play in the potty, or unroll the toilet paper, or take the pots and pans to her bedroom, or chew on the remote, or put anything in the trash can, or carry her "treasures" in a "purse" which can be a bag or basket or shoe. She puts the treasure in and then slings the "purse" onto her shoulder and walks around proudly.

And we did have an exciting day a week ago. Last Wednesday I took the girls to Angie's house so I could get a haircut. When I got back I watched her kids so she could take one of her kids to afternoon Kindergarten at noon. No sooner did she leave and Carrie fell HARD on their wooden deck step. She banged her lower lip really hard and it was bleeding everywhere. They didn't have any popsicles and she didn't want any ice on it, so I soaked a paper towel in lemonade and wrapped it around ice for her to suck on. But I could see cuts on the inside and outside and I thought she bit through her lip! When Angie got back, she watched my kids again so I could take Carrie to the doctor. The doctor said it was just a bad cut and didn't need stitches! It's still a little swollen today, and it's still scabbed up. But she doesn't mind!

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