Christmas: We drove and drove and drove this Christmas, but it was fun and the kids did well. First, we went to Joplin for the Proctor family Christmas at Katie's house. It was so much fun to have all the cousins together. We had a Pajama party with breakfast for supper one night, a Feliz Navidad mexican dinner another night. One day it was up in the 60s so we rode 4-wheelers and played outside. Fun stuff! We were able to spend an evening with my sister Rachel and Mark, too, and the kids had fun there too! Then we went to visit Great grandpa Proctor, then Great grandma Weede, and the next day on to La Harpe to see my sister Sarah and John and Mom and Dad. We had a fun evening that first day, Mom and Dad watched the girls while Sarah and John and Mike and I went to Macomb for some horseshoes. No, not the game! Horseshoes are an Illinois food, yum! The next day Rachel and Mark arrived and the house was full of kids ages 6,5,4,3,2, and 1! Running, screaming, laughing, and playing filled the house. We had fun being all together--the only time since last Christmas that we've been able to get all together.

Thanksgiving: Mark and Julie invited us to celebrate Thanksgiving with them again this year. Julie's parents and her brother and his family come, too, so we have a lot of fun! The kids played dress-up, and they danced and ran around while Mark played the piano. We are so thankful to have family nearby.
Other: Hannah has been saying some funny things lately. She's been making everything into a sermon. For example, the other day as she was washing her hands she said, "You know, the bubbles take away the dirt off our hands, just like God takes the dirt and sin off us us!" Alli is such a little helper, she loves her frilly apron that Grandma Humphrey made her and she wears it almost everyday. She will do anything--taking dirty laundry to the basket, little pieces of trash to the can, etc. and she comes back to see if there is anything else I need. Carrie has been saying all sorts of new words. She is funny when whe tries to stick up for herself against the other girls. She says, with a growl, "No Alli! No Hannah! Stop it!" then she curls her nose up and laughs!
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