This is our "new" 10 month old beagle from the animal shelter. The girls named him Charlie after the cartoon "Charlie and Lola," but Carrie calls him "Lola" quite a bit! He's REALLY sweet, great with the kids, and he has a great raspy, deep, howling bark. But he doesn't bark too much, so he's really perfect! Now, I don't want to talk too much about the dog, let's get to the cute pics of the kiddos!
a little dark here, but loved the smiles! 5.29.09
With lots of pushing, I got Alli up to the branch she wanted! Her feet are just as high as I can reach. 5.29.09
Hannah's preschool graduation! These are her teachers, Mrs. Karen Ray and Mrs. Nicole Caudill. She had a great year at preschool, she'll miss her teachers and her small class of 12. But she's excited about kindergarten. 5.22.09
Hannah and her best friend Makayla 5.22.09
Proud Daddy and Hannah 5.22.09
Cousin sleepover #i've lost count! Ben had his apendix taken out so the girls were able to come again!!! We had fun riding the golf cart around camp, listening to Uncle Wiggily stories, climbing trees, etc. Always fun and laughter when they're here. Why I don't have any pics of Grace driving the gold cart or of my kids LOVING these sleepovers...I don't know. The batteries must have died in the camera as usual. This is cousin Hope with a floaty ring around her waist. :) 5.18.09
Monkey-cousin Joy 5.18.09
Monkey-cousin Hope 5.18.09
Butterfly-bike riding-cheerleeder Alli! She has really started riding her bike everywhere! She can ride it barefooted on gravel roads--what a country girl! When she falls, she immediately says, "It's ok, the grass is soft." If she lands on the road, she's still tough and doesn't get upset, just gets back on! 5.18.09
Hannah's preschool went to the High school natatorium (that's the swimming pool to the rest of us) where each kid was paired up with a high school buddy and the swimming coach gave them an hour of swimming lessons. Hannah did pretty well, got upset when they asked her to put her head under the water and several other kids were upset too, but the coach/buddies were reassuring and helpful. By the end of the session she was having fun again. 5.11.09


Tortilla masks! Hannah and Alli 5.9.09

Our annual Mother's Day photo! There are always some irises blooming for a pretty background. What a great day! The girls made me foam flower neclaces in church, Mike made lunch, AND Hannah brought me breakfast in bed! She had been saying for a week or so, "Mother's Day is your day off. You need a break, you should just relax and we'll take care of it." She said that while shaking her finger at me...don't know if she heard that somewhere... Breakfast consisted of a bowl of dry Cheerios that she poured herself, then she climbed up in bed and ate them with me! :) 5.10.09
Hannah's preschool put on a Mother's day brunch. The kids in her class put together the decorations (she made this vase for me) and a gift (a lovely silk-flower and macaroni neclace), and they performed a little song for us moms. So fun and cute! 5.6.09

1 comment:
Love the tortilla masks. Around here, we just usually eat them rather than wear them as masks, but hey, in Indiana, I guess you do things differently ;o). As usual, the girls are gorgeous!
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