Here are November's pictures...
It finally dried out enough at the beginning of the month for us to play in giant piles of leaves. Here Daddy taught Hannah how to run the leaf blower. She loved it! I think I might remember raking leaves at her age, but a leaf blower?! :)
All three girls!
Carrie and Daddy
The girls climbed up the walls of the "human fooseball" court at camp. Alli was fearless, while Hannah was pretty cautious. Carrie didn't climb up the walls, but she hung on one of the long poles and crawed up onto it. Then, you know that awful feeling that you should have known better, well I felt that when she fell off the pole. It was like slow motion and I couldn't catch her, but she wasn't hurt much. :)
We had the privelege of having Eldon and Gayneita Shaw over for dinner November 9th. They are missionaries suported by our church. They serve in lots of countries, mainly in the West Indies, doing leadership training and putting on illusionist/clown shows for the children. We loved listening to their stories about places they'd been and they made some fun balloon animals for the girls.
Showing off their balloon art.
November 12th, Hannah had a play date with a girl from her Kindergarten class. They had fun dressing up and playing outside. They were so fun to listen to, and they included the younger girls, too! Hannah was so excited for this day, and at the end of the day her friend invited her to a play date a couple days later. So we went, but I got lost on the way there! I was so embarrassed that we were 45 minutes later than we planned. I couldn't believe it! But they had fun!
We decorated for Christmas on the day after Thanksgiving, and that included making Christmas treats like chocolate covered pretzels. The girls thought this was super fun. It never occured to me until now that it's just a homier version of fondue. :)
Hannah at Franklin Skate Club. She was invited to a birthday party at the skating rink (again, details in previous post).
Hannah, Emma, and Makayla.
Mike-the-wonderful made an extension for the bottom bunk so it's now a full size bed! Right now Hannah and Alli sleep there, but soon it will be Alli and Carrie. Alli doesn't want to move to the top bunk yet so this is the best way to get Carrie out of her crib. I think it's beautiful and it's sweet when the girls love having "sleepovers" together.
[Here we are at Thanksgiving! Just kidding...I forgot my camera, so no pics of our fun day. Maybe I can get some from Julie, but the details are in the previous post.]
We had the windows, gutters, and siding replaced--yay!!! That was a long overdue project. We are so glad to be able to open our windows now (they were so rotted that we painted them shut just to keep the trim on when we moved here 4 years ago) and to be rid of that hideous yellow siding. But I'm so glad that the old windows were not drafty (maybe that's because we painted them shut) and the roof doesn't leak, and so many other things that God provides for us. The next project is the front door and the shutters. Mike rebuilt the shutters that were there and we're painting them the same almond color as the door/windows/gutters.
I think that's it for now! :)
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